There were 28323 deals in 2018 in Sofia. Previously, there were 28175 deals in 2017, 26480 transactions in 2016, 24379 deals in 2015 and 20863 in 2014. Despite the significant growth in the number of deals, the market still lags behind its peak prior the Economic crisis. In 2007 there we 45015 purchases. The main difference is that back then foreign investors gave a significant push to the market, whereas currently almost all buyers are Bulgarian.
The number of mortgage contracts continued to grow in 2018. Still, the market is stable. Pre-crisis crediting grew by 20% on an yearly basis, while the current increase is much lower. Mortgage interest rates in 2018 range from 2.9 to 6%. Buyers pay a substantial part of the listing’s price with their savings. In 2018, only 18% of mortgages covered more than 80% of the estate’s price.
In Sofia, 17941 dwellings were bought using mortgage loans in 2018. Previously, there were 18134 loans in 2017, 14209 transactions in 2016, 11497 loans in 2015 and 8641 in 2014. Pre-crisis levels remain higher with 21924 mortgage contracts signed in 2007.
Source: Registry Agency